Saturday's News
I realized that I hadn't posted my Halloween Goose yet, so here she is. Isn't she pretty? Well, Andy has been sick this week with some kind of bug. He went to school on Wednesday and played in the last soccer game, came home and pretty much collapsed for the next 2 days. He had a fever and just felt crummy. I think he's just a run down. He should be great by Monday though.
I went to a couple of bazaars today with my sis. We also stopped at some yard sales (of course). We are planning to go to the Kamiakin football game tonight. They are playing for 1st place in their division. It should be a good game.
Over and the 'Mania, I'm part of a Holiday Secret Pal Swap. I've been working on several items for my secret pal. I hope she'll like everything. I keep picking up things when I'm out shopping that I think she'll like. I'm trying to finish up a couple more things and then I can send out her package.
Monday, my sister and I are taking Mom to Spokane for a medical test. If they find any blockages they will put in stints at that time. This is not for her heart though, it's somewhere else. I forget where. We have to leave town around 6:00am and will be staying the night there, near the hospital so if she has any problems, we'll be close by. We're hoping that this will fix her high blood pressure problems.
My nephews that play Grid Kids football are undefeated! WooHoo! Congratulations boys! Alek even made his first touchdown today. They have a playoff game next Saturday and if they win that, they will be in the Superbowl a few days later. I'm sure they'll be there. They get to play in the high school stadium, which is really cool for those little guys.
My niece, that is 12, went deer hunting with her dad yesterday and got her first deer, on her first day out! Way to go Ashley!
Well, that about sums up our week.
Have a wonderful day folks!
that is awesome!
Now that's one cute goose!!!
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