Thursday, April 12, 2007

Spidey Ghan and Big Fishes

Here are Andy and Mike with the trout they caught on opening lakes day. They were huge! We just wish they had tasted better. They were really muddy tasting. Apparently, they'd been in the small lake, way too many years!
Here's my first Spidey Ghan. I really like this pattern. It goes pretty fast.


NewLifestyle said...

Wow, what a catch.........looks like some good eaten going on there. And that afghan is beautiful Jodi, did you design it? That is really nice.

Miranda said...

Wow~~Those are some good sized fish. The spidey ghan looks great. Hope you have a great weekend.

NewLifestyle said...

nice looking fish........a bummer on the muddy taste though

Sallenlouise said...

I love the ghan...........hubby would love the catch!

Jodi said...

Thanks Everyone!